Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dear friends,

as i wrote it in my last posting, about the global food crisis ( , i think it's a big and a complicated problem that nobody of us can solve it in one day or by one's mighty deed. But of course if we do it together and locally, i think we can be part of the problem.

If you watch CNN (if i don't remember the TV program), there is a special program for young people who want to change the world by locally deeds. They can choose whatever they want to do, to start doing something and solve the problem that they care most, not only in their countries, but especially outside.

And i think the problem we face these days is so complicated like a vicious cycle, if somebody even care to think about it! *sigh*

So, right now there is an opportunity for us to be part of the solution, instead of NO ACTION TALK ONLY (NATO).

In July (5-6 July 2008) there will be an event called "Jambore Sahabat Anak" (JSA) or "Sahabat Anak Jamboree" (for further information about the Sahabat Anak Foundation, please click This event is dedicated for the street children, especially who live in Jakarta and its suburbs.

The theme of JSA is "Aku and Cita-citaku" (I and What I Want to Be). I think, everybody has his own right to be whatever he wants to be, including the street children. But WHO WILL HELP THEM to be what they want to be? The answer is Us!, for sure...

So, if you have energy, time, and resources, please do not hesitate to take part in this event. You can do many SIMPLE things you cannot imagine before. The very things that will change your life and the children's lives. I'm not overemphasizing here...

Click and ask for some information about Jambore Sahabat Anak 5-6 July 2008!

Let's be part of the solution rather than waiting for a miracle... :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Let's play & share!

Mari bermain dan berbagi!
Let’s play and share!


Menabur Cinta Menuai Harapan
Spreading Love, Harvesting Hope


Hari Sahabat Anak
“Sahabat Anak” Day


Deklarasi Gerakan Sahabat Anak
Children’s Friends Movement Declaration

Minggu 17 Februari 2008,
di Kridaloka – Senayan, Jakarta

Sunday, February 17, 2008
at Kridaloka – Senayan, Jakarta

yang didukung oleh:
which is supported by:

Ø Fauzi Bowo (Gubernur DKI Jakarta)
Ø Romo Sandyawan (Sanggar Ciliwung)
Ø Erna Witoelar (Duta MDGs)
Ø Ferry Salim (Duta UNICEF)
Ø Katon Bagaskara & Ira Wibowo (keluarga-artis)
Ø Yosi Project Pop (sebagai MC)
Ø Imelda Fransisca (Miss Indonesia)
Ø Wisnu Idol
Ø Ibe Karyanto/Susilo Adinegoro (Sanggar Akar)
Ø Candi Rasidy (Ketua Konsorsium Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini)

Jalan Cinta, Keluargaku Berbagi Cinta, Sahabat Berbagi Cinta, Panggung Gembira, Aneka Lomba dan Aneka Stand Permainan

Walk of Love, Families Sharing Love, Friends Sharing Love, Stage Performance, Various Contests & Games Stands

Acara akan dibuka pada Pk. 06.00 WIB oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo bersama semua public figure pendukung, anak-anak jalanan, volunteer, dan para peserta Jalan Cinta, Keluargaku Berbagi Cinta dan Sahabat Berbagi Cinta

Let’s come to the opening ceremony at 6:00 am with the Governor of DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo, all supporting public figures mentioned above, street children, volunteers, and all participants in Walk of Love, Families Sharing Love and Friends Sharing Love

“Jalan Cinta” / Walk of Love
Sebuah acara menyusuri jalan protokol di Gelora Senayan dan sekitarnya. Acara ini akan diikuti oleh anak-anak jalanan binaan Sahabat Anak, peserta keluarga maupun individu.
Harga tiket: Rp 50.000,- / orang dewasa
Rp 40.000,- / anak di bawah usia 12 tahun

In this special program, all familiy-participants will walk together with the street children and volunteers a long the protocol street of Gelora Senayan and its surrounding.
Ticket: Rp 50.000,- / adult
Rp 40.000,- / child under 12

“Keluargaku Berbagi Cinta” / Families Sharing Love
Sebuah acara di mana 1 keluarga, yang terdiri dari 4 anggota, mendampingi 1-2 anak binaan Sahabat Anak selama acara. Setiap keluarga dapat berbagi kasih dengan anak-anak tersebut melalui acara Jalan Cinta serta Aneka Lomba dan Stand Permainan. Keluarga akan didampingi 1 orang kakak pendamping, yang akan membantu komunikasi antara anak dengan keluarga, dan sebaliknya.
Kontribusi keluarga: Rp 175.000,- [ini paket untuk 4 orang; mendapatkan kaus, topi, snack, air mineral, susu kotak, 6 tiket stand permainan (tidak berlaku untuk Stand Kaos Karyaku)]

In this segment, 1 family with 4 members (parents and 2 children), will play and spend time together with 1-2 street children. Every family could enjoyably share love with those unfortunate children, from the Walk of Love through Various Contests to the Various Games Stands. To make the most of time, a volunteer will smooth your communication with the children.
Family contribution: Rp 175.000,- [a package for 4 persons: T-shirts, hats, snack, mineral water, milk, 6 tickets for games stands except for “My T-shirt” Stand]

“Sahabat Berbagi Cinta” / Friends Sharing Love
Segmen ini diperuntukkan bagi peserta individual yang juga ingin mendampingi anak jalanan binaan Sahabat Anak.
Kontribusi individu: Rp75,000,- [mendapatkan paket kaus, topi, snack, air mineral, susu kotak, 2 tiket stand permainan yang berlaku untuk stand Melukis Wajah, Gemerlap Tato, Melempar Sasaran, Berburu Binatang, Menyusuri Rintangan, atau Prang...Prang...Prang]

This segment is dedicated to all individual participants who want to extend their love to and play together with the street children.
Individual contribution: Rp75,000,- [a package for T-shirt, hat, snack, mineral water, milk, 2 tickets for games stand which are valid for Face Painting Stand, Glittering Tattoo Stand, Dart Stand, Hunting Stand, Beating the Obstacles Stand, or Prang...Prang...Prang Stand]

Semua dana yang diperoleh akan digunakan untuk pendidikan anak jalanan di Jakarta dan sekitarnya

All funds will be used for the education of Jakarta street children

Segera daftarkan diri Anda, hubungi

Let’s join this rare event! For ticket box, please call

Sahabat Anak Secreatariat
Jl. Tambak II RT 06/05 No. 23, Komp. POLRI
Kel. Pegangsaan, Jakarta Pusat 10320

Phone.: (62-21) 391 8505, Fax.: (62-21) 319 34172
HP (Sitta): +62816 1324126


Untuk mendapatkan formulir online, kirimkan E-mail ke:
For online forms (Families Sharing Love & Friends Sharing Love), send E-mail to: /

For donation:
BANK BCA a/n Yayasan Kampus Diakoneia Modern
Rekening No. 305 300 5001

Untuk info online lebih jauh:
For further online information:

Supported by:

Friday, January 18, 2008

Ayo, jadi SAHABATnya SEHARI saja! Apakah itu terlalu banyak?

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would
suffice to solve most of the world's problems.

Kesenjangan antara apa yang kita lakukan dan apa yang kita mampu
lakukan akan cukup untuk memecahkan kebanyakan masalah dunia ini.

--Mahatma Gandhi

We can be a part of the solution!

The difference between what we do and what we
are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's

Kesenjangan antara apa yang kita lakukan dan
apa yang kita mampu lakukan akan cukup untuk memecahkan kebanyakan masalah di
dunia ini.

--Mahatma Gandhi