Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dear friends,

as i wrote it in my last posting, about the global food crisis ( , i think it's a big and a complicated problem that nobody of us can solve it in one day or by one's mighty deed. But of course if we do it together and locally, i think we can be part of the problem.

If you watch CNN (if i don't remember the TV program), there is a special program for young people who want to change the world by locally deeds. They can choose whatever they want to do, to start doing something and solve the problem that they care most, not only in their countries, but especially outside.

And i think the problem we face these days is so complicated like a vicious cycle, if somebody even care to think about it! *sigh*

So, right now there is an opportunity for us to be part of the solution, instead of NO ACTION TALK ONLY (NATO).

In July (5-6 July 2008) there will be an event called "Jambore Sahabat Anak" (JSA) or "Sahabat Anak Jamboree" (for further information about the Sahabat Anak Foundation, please click This event is dedicated for the street children, especially who live in Jakarta and its suburbs.

The theme of JSA is "Aku and Cita-citaku" (I and What I Want to Be). I think, everybody has his own right to be whatever he wants to be, including the street children. But WHO WILL HELP THEM to be what they want to be? The answer is Us!, for sure...

So, if you have energy, time, and resources, please do not hesitate to take part in this event. You can do many SIMPLE things you cannot imagine before. The very things that will change your life and the children's lives. I'm not overemphasizing here...

Click and ask for some information about Jambore Sahabat Anak 5-6 July 2008!

Let's be part of the solution rather than waiting for a miracle... :)

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